
3/4 Piatellini Model, Robbie #16

3/4 Piatellini Model positioned upright

Douglas Fir and Cottonwood

Travel Bass, Helen 2024

Travel Bass, Helen 2024 positioned upright

Removeable neck, Spruce and Maple

5/8 Piatellini Copy, Helen #2

5/8 Piatellini Copy, Helen #2 positioned upright

Eastern White Pine and Cherry. On display now in the Celebrating Women Luthiers International Exhibit.

August Bernardel Copy, Robbie #15

August Bernardel Copy Robbie #15 positioned upright

Half size in Red Spruce and Birdseye Maple

5/8 Piattellini Model, Helen #1

5/8 Piattellini Model, Helen #1 positioned upright

Eastern White Pine Slab and Cottonwood

Domenico Montagnana 1747 Copy, Robbie #14

Close-up view of Domenico Montagnana 1747

Sitka Spruce and Curly Sugar Maple

Domenico Busan 1749 Copy, Robbie #13

Domenico Busan 1749 Copy positioned upright

Eastern White Pine Slab and Cherry

Piattellini Copy, Robbie, #12

Piattellini Copy, Robbie #12 positioned upright

Red Spruce and Cottonwood

Taconic Swing, Robbie #11

Taconic Swing, Robbie #11 positioned upright

A 5/8 Piattellini copy. Red Spruce and one-piece slab of Cottonwood from Robbie’s wife Bliss’s childhood swing tree.

Domenico Busan Copy, Robbie #10

Domenico Busan Copy, Robbie #10 positioned upright

White Pine and Curly Maple

3/4 Italian Model, Robbie #9

3/4 Italian Model positioned upright

Eastern White Pine and Curly Maple

5/8 Piattellini Copy, Robbie # 8

5/8 Piattellini Copy, Robbie #8 front and back view

Sitka Spruce and Birds-eye Maple.

5/8 Piattellini Copy, Robbie #7

Close-up view of a 5/8 Piattellini Copy Robbie #7 positioned upright

Red Spruce and Cottonwood.

Gamba Corner Round Back, Robbie #4

Gamba Corner Round Back positioned upright

Red Spruce and Curly Maple.

McIntosh/Schnitzer Collaboration, Robbie and Arnold Testore Model

McIntosh/Schnitzer Collaboration positioned upright

Engelmann Spruce and European Maple


Restored German bass, ca. 1900

Restored German bass, ca. 1900 positioned upright

Bohemian Bass ca. 1880

Bohemian Bass ca. 1880 positioned upright

Restored German Flatback, ca. 1880

Restored German Flatback, positioned upright